Jack’s Wife Freda

Packaging, Brand Extension
Paperwhite Studio, 2023

Not your grandma’s wine.

15 years in the making, Jack’s Wife Freda is a lively café and culinary melting pot. Always collaborating with fellow New York brands, the restaurant jumped at the opportunity to fashion its own line of wines that pair well with its homespun fare and rollicking atmosphere.

Having helped forge the Jack’s Wife Freda legacy since its inception, we designed a wine packaging system that complements their memorable look we all know and love. Our design is inspired by the kitchen itself—labeling containers with yellow tape and unique handwriting—along with the homestyle art of collage. Going further, every varietal offered informs the color of the label that packages it. The result is a quirky cohesive design that accentuates Jack’s Wife Freda’s personality.

Our continued and ever evolving branding efforts for Jack’s Wife Freda have helped it become the cult favorite, perennial mainstay that it is today.